De-register your boat in any country
De-register your boat in any country
Free instructions how to delete the flag and get official confirmation
Do-it-yourself guide to removing your boat from any national registry
Register your boat in Poland!
Open to any nationality!
Close a registration with the UK ship register:
If a vessel is currently registered with the UK Ship Register but you would like to remove it from the registry, this can now be processed online:
There is no fee to close a vessel’s registration.
Downloads and Contact:
The following documents are required to close a vessel’s registration:
- Application to remove a British ship from the register - MSF 4744
- This form must be completed and sent with the original certificate of registry, to the Registry of Shipping and Seamen (RSS):
Registry of Shipping and Seamen
Anchor Court, Keen Road
Cardiff CF24 5JWTelephone:
02039 085204 (Pleasure)
02039 085202 (Fishing)
02039 085203 (Commercial)
Close a vessel registration
- No fee
- To close the registry of your vessel, send a written request to the Vessel Registration Office by mail, fax or email. You must include the following information:
- official number of the vessel
- copy of bill of sale (if applicable)
- reason for closure—for example:
- vessel sold to a foreign citizen
- change from commercial to pleasure
- vessel is lost, wrecked or removed from service
Get a Deletion Certificate
- No fee
- To get a deletion certificate, send a request in writing to the Vessel Registration Office . by mail, fax or email. You must include the following information:
- official number of the vessel
- address where the certificate is to be sent
Contact information
Send written confirmation of the change(s) by mail, fax or email:
Transport Canada
Vessel Registration (AMSED)
330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0N8
Facsimile: 1-833-983-1377
Email: vr-ib@tc.gc.ca
Deletion from Documentation Instructions:
A vessel may be deleted from documentation upon the request of the vessel owner or an authorized agent on behalf of the owner. The request must be in writing and must include the vessel’s official number and reason for deletion. The original Certificate of Documentation (COD) is to be returned by the owner named on the certificate
Please provide evidence of sale or transfer AND a statement indicating the nationality of owner and/or country in which vessel will be flagged (in the event the vessel is being sold to a non-US citizen(s) or being flagged in a foreign country).
If a letter evidencing removal from documentation is required, include that information in the letter request with fee of $15.
If the request for deletion is accompanied by a complete, original or copy of a bill of sale and $8 per page filing fee, it may be recorded to evidence transfer of ownership.
Downloads and Contact:
Instructions: NVDCINST 16713
Credit Card Payment Form: CG7042
Mailing Address:
792 T. J. Jackson Drive Falling Waters,
WV 25419
+1 304-271-2400
Deletion from the Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH)
No fees are associated with return of a flag certificate.
Please use the Return of a flag certificate form (only available in German), print out each completed form, sign it and send it to the BSH by post.
Please submit your application in good time. Applications will be processed in the order in which they are received. If there is a high volume of applications, you will have to expect a longer processing time.
Document downloads and information
Return of a flag certificate:
Rückgabe eines Flaggenzertifikates
Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH)
Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 7820359 Hamburgpostbox 30 12 2020359 Hamburg
+49 40 3190-0
Fax: +49 40 3190-5000
Application for cancelling a registration from the Belgian registry:
- The 1) original registration document must be returned together with a 2) cancellation request and a copy of the 3) Bill of sale document to the office of DG Navigation.
- A deregistration notice will be sent to you by email
An original registration document can be:
- the original commercial or non-commercial flag letter (lettre de pavillon)
- and/or the orginal license plate (plaque d'immatriculation)
- and/or the original of the registration document (document d'immatriculation)
- or the original business and professional registration letter ( lettre d'enregistrement)
Downloads and Contact:
Cancellation request document:
DG NavigationRue du Progres 56
1210 Bruxelles
(International Certificate for Pleasure Craft)
Instructions for deleting a valid or expired ICP online:
- If you have a valid or expired ICP from the Watersportverbond, you can request an 'ICP deregistration valid or expired ICP' for an existing vessel online using the same login and password for original registration: https://webshop.watersporters.nl
- After requesting your deregistration, you must send the original ICP by post with a cover letter. In the cover letter note that you need deregistration. Please include your address and e-mail address:
- Costs of ICP deregistration: €20.00
Instructions for deleting a valid or expired ICP by post:
Contact the Watersportverbond to get instructions for de-registering by post:
Orteliuslaan 1041
3528 BE Utrecht
Phone: +31 030 3077500
Email: info@watersportverbond.nlNETHERLANDS DEREGISTRATION
Instructions for deleting a Zeebrief:
For the cancellation of your ship you need an authorization (order) from the District Court of Rotterdam. Without this authorization from the District Court of Rotterdam, your ship cannot be crossed out in the public registers of the Land Registry (Kadaster).
- As the owner of the ship, you then submit the signed application form for the cancellation of the registration of the ship and the required supporting documents at the Ship Registry in Rotterdam. You can also send everything to the Kadaster by post. They add a certified cadastral and mortgage extract to this and send your application to the court in Rotterdam. The court will assess your application and, after approval, will send the authorization together with the form to the Kadaster.
- Or apply yourself at the court of Rotterdam. You then order the certified current extracts from the Kadaster.
Both extracts must not be older than 1 week after the date of issue. You hand in the signed application form for Ship registration with all necessary documents to the court in Rotterdam.Visiting address Rotterdam court:
Wilhelminaplein 100-125
3072 AK Rotterdam
After approval, you will receive an authorization from the court that you send to the Ship Registry in Rotterdam together with your application form and the appendices.
You can also hand in the documents at the counter of the Land Registry Office in Rotterdam.
Ship registration Rotterdam
PO Box 8718
3009 AS Rotterdam
Visiting address
Ship registration Rotterdam:
complex De Lotus George Hintzenweg 77
3068 AX Rotterdam
Downloads and Contact:
Kadasterkantoor Rotterdam
George Hintzenweg 77
3068 AX Rotterdam
You can send questions by email to ships.rotterdam@kadaster.nl
telephone +31881834063
Download application for Cancellation of registration of ship form:
Instructions for deleting and unsubscribing from the Spanish registry :
The deletion application must be filed with the Sea Captaincy (Capitania Maritima) with these documents:
- Copy of passport or ID
- Original Bill of Sale
- Original Spanish navigation license (Patente de navegacion) and Navigation authorization (Rol de despacho y navegacion)
- Radio license certificate (Licencia de Estacion de Barco)
- Certificate from a radio technician of de-programming MMSI
- Petition to unsubscribe flag (Solicitud de baja)
Downloads and login:
Download a petition to unsubscribe flag:
Online unscubscribe request:
Register your boat in Poland!
Open to any nationality!
Delete a boat from the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) Division of Fish and Wildlife:
- Send a request to the State of Delaware DRNEC
State of Delaware
Division of Fish and Wildlife
89 Kings Highway
Dover, DE 19901
+1 302 739 9916
Deletion from the Polish Registry of Ships
- Applications for the de-registration of a watercraft in a paper version should be submitted to the Resident Service Department of the City Hall, Economic Activity Department.
- A residential address in Poland is required
Voluntary Termination of Registration of a Small Ship
Where the owner of a small ship desires to close the register of such small ship, he shall make an application to that effect to the Authority, giving all such particulars and information as the Authority may require for the purpose.
Client may either call personally at SSR Office or send another person, or may wish to mail all documents together with a cheque payment payable to ‘Transport Malta’. Once processed, a Deletion Certificate is issued and sent to client. Documents to be submitted:
- Copy of ID Card (front and back) for verification purposes only;
- Last original Certificate of Registry.
- Form SSR 126
- Payment
Downloads and Contact:
Form SSR 126: Request for closure of registration of a small ship:
Download Application SSR 126 Form
Registrar of Ships
Merchant Shipping Directorate,
Malta Transport CentreTriq Pantar, Hal-Lija
LJA 2021 Malta
+356 2125 0360AUSTRIA
Instructions to deregister your boat from the Austrian registry :
In the event that you just want to deregister your boat (e.g. when selling it abroad), please use the Registration and deregistration form.
Downloads and Contact:
Registration and deregistration form
Seegelände 10
phone: +43 2167 40 243
fax: +43 2167 40 300FRANCE
Instructions to remove your vessel from the French flag for "export" registry :
With an act of francization ( acte de francisation):
You must contact the customs office and then send your file to the registration service of pleasure craft of the delegation to the sea and the coast (with the documents requested below)With a circulation card (carte de circulation):
To put together your dossier, you must attach:- Your handwritten request for cancellation for export, specifying the vessel's registration number and the country of export;
- The original + the copy of your circulation card (carte de circulation);
- The original + the copy of the deed of sale (dated and signed);
- A copy of your identity card or passport;
- Proof of address;
- A sworn statement indicating that the vessel is leaving for export (specify the country);
- Attach a simple stamped envelope (for the return of the cancellation certificate)
- A mobile phone number
Warning: In the absence of all these elements the file will not be able to be investigated
Contact information for all Departmental Directorates of Territories and the Sea - Delegation to the sea and the coast:
Application for deleting a yacht from the Croatia register:
Application for closing a transcript from the BVI registry:
The documents to be sent to remove a vessel from the VISR (Virgin Ilands Shipping Registry) are:
- A letter from the Owner on record to the Registrar of Shipping (original)
- A copy of the Bill of Sale (VISR formatted Bill of Sale only)
- A copy of Certificate of Good Standing (if owner is a company)
- A certified copy of list of Director(s) (issued by the Registry of Corporate Affairs)
- Payment of annual fee (if any,Return of Certificate of Registry)
The fee for a Closed Transcript of Registry is US$150.00, a copy of the same can be send electronically for an additional fee of US$25.00.
Registrar of Shipping
Virgin Island Shipping Registry
Ritter House - 1st floor Wickham's Cay II - Road Town
Tortola, British Virgin Islands
+ 1 284 468 9646
Cancellation of pleasure craft under 20 GT from the Danish registry:
- Since 1 March 2018, pleasure craft of less than 20 GT can no longer be registered in the Register of Shipping.
- If your ship is under 20 GT and was already registered in the Register of Shipping before 1 March 2018, the ship will be deleted from the register when all mortgages and other interests in the ship have been removed.
- Declaration of Danish owner's registration of ship under foreign flag:
Contact and downloads:
The Danish Maritime Authority
Caspar Brands Plads 9
4220 Korsør
+45 72 19 60 00 (9-16)
Document authorizing Danish citizens to perate under the Danish flag and to fly the flag on their vessels:
Documents required for deleting a small vessel from the Cyprus registry:
- Original boat registration certificate (MS 36)
- In case of loss of the original certificate of registration of the boat, a police certificate must be submitted for the owner to report the loss or a sworn statement
- Small boat deletion request form ( MS 21 )
Downloads and Contact:
Permanent Secretary Deputy Ministry of Shipping Postal Address:
P.O. Box 56193,
3305 Limassol,
Documents required for closing the registration for a ship not required to be registered (pleasure boats):
You will need to provide the following:
- A statutory declaration stating the extent of your interest in the ship and the date in which that interest was acquired
- The Bill of Sale by which the ship was acquired.
- Form 202 - Application for closure of registration for a ship
Send:- Original completed form 202
- Original registration certificate
- Statutory declaration
- Bill of sale
to:Shipping Registration Office
Australian Maritime Safety Authority
PO Box 255
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450Downloads and Contact:
Application for closure of registration for a ship- 202
The Registrar of Ships
Shipping Registration OfficePO Box 255
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450Courier address:
Shipping Registration Office
Level 2, 28 Gordon Street
Coffs Harbour NSW,2450 Australia+61 (2) 6279 5925
Cancellation of a yacht
Owners of a yacht can request its deletion from the register in accordance with Article 13 paragraph 1 of the Yacht Ordinance, after which they return the flag certificate.
To proceed with the cancellation, it is necessary to download the specific PDF document, which must be attached to the flag certificate and sent to the following address:
Swiss Maritime Navigation Office (USNM)
Elisabethenstrasse 33
casella postale
Downloads and Contact:
FDFA Swiss Maritime Navigation Office - USNM
Elisabethenstrasse 33
casella postale
Deregistering a boat
The following documents are required when deregistering a boat:
- Form no. 17: application for boat deregistration
- Explanation of deregistration.
- Possible nationality certificate, if issued.
Deregistration can be made by a new, non-registered, owner or by the person who is registered as the owner in the ship register.
Downloads and Contact:
Documents required and procedure for removing a small boat from the Russian register:
- The ship's ticket (Судовой билет)
- A written statement on the need for deregistration
- Owner's ID document
Submit an electronic application and schedule an inspection visit online at the State Inspectorate for Information Technologies website.
Login and Contact:
Electronic register for deleting a yacht:
Teatralni Prospekt 3
Moscow 109012
Deregistering a boat
Please use the form. Notification for deletion, KR-0009.
To be signed with binding signature by
registered owner or owner's Norwegian Representative.
Send a signed copy to post@nis-nor.no
The original is not to be forwarded afterwards.If the vessel is more than 50 years old and being sold abroad
Export license from the Norwegian Ministry of Culture.
The owner himself must contact the ministry.
Once obtained, the license is to be sent to the
Department of Ship Registration in original.Deletion fee:
Free of chargeDownloads and Contact:
Notification for deletion, KR-0009
All documents related to the registration process must be sent directly to the
Department of Ship Registration
The Norwegian Maritime Authority, Department of Ship Registration
P.O.Box 73 Nygårdstangen
N-5838 BERGENPhone: (+ 47) 55 54 12 50
Deregistering a private yacht under the Greek flag
- A certified copy of declaration of export from the customs authority is required if the yacht is exported from the European Economic area.
- If a boat is issued a certificate from the relevant port authority the fee is set at 20 euros
- Deregistration is done electronically at the Register of Ships website
Login and Contact:
Electronic register for deleting a yacht:
Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE)
Car. Serbias 10
101 84 Athens
+30 210 337 5000
Deletion of a recreational craft from the Latvian ship registry:
Required document:
- Completed application by the owner. Application must be made as a notarial act
- Written consent of ship’s mortgagees, if anyo riginals of Registration certificates issued by LSR
- Copy of Bill of Sale (in case of sale) cancelation of ships Call-sign issued by Electronic Communication Office
A deletion certificate is issued s soon as the registered mortgages and other encumbrances are discharged and all matters pending with the Registry, including financial obligations, are settled.
Issue of Certificate of Deletion: 70 (EUR)
Download and contact:
Application download:
Inspector of Registry of Ships
Svetlana Salaja
+371 67 06 21 65
Deregistration of a watercraft at a registration service point in person:
Deregistration of a watercraft using e-services:
Register your boat in Poland!
Open to any nationality!
For inquiries: